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Lica koja se bave izvozom moraju priložiti odgovarajuću dokumentaciju koja se zahtijeva radi primjene propisa kojima je regulisan ovaj carinski postupak. Koja dokumentacija treba da bude priložena zavisi od izvoznog posla, ipak obavezna dokumenta su sljedeća:

Izvozna deklaracija

Roba koja je namijenjena izvozu je obuhvaćena izvoznom deklaracijom. Izvozna carinska deklaracija se podnosi kod carinarnice koja je odgovorna za nadzor nad područjem u kojem izvoznik ima sjedište ili prebivalište ili u kojoj se roba pakuje ili utovara za izvoz. Izvozna deklaracija u pisanoj formi podnosi se na propisanom obrascu. Ona mora da bude potpisana od strane ovlašćenog lica i da sadrži sve podatke neophodne za primjenu propisa kojima je regulisan carinski postupak za koji se roba prijavljuje. Uz carinsku deklaraciju prilažu se sva dokumenta koja se zahtijevaju radi primjene propisa kojima je regulisan carinski postupak za koji se roba prijavljuje.

Izvozna faktura je dokument na osnovu koga se plaća isporučena roba, a izdaje je prodavac robe. Faktura specificira datum izdavanja, količinu robe, opis i karakteristike robe, jediničnu cijenu izraženu u dogovorenoj valuti i jedici mjere, ukupnu vrijednost robe, mjesto otpreme, datum izavanja računa, adresu kupca, potpis prodavca  i sl.

Pored navedenih elementa faktura može sadržati i druge elemente, zavisno od vrste robe koja se izvozi.

Transportna dokumenta regulišu otpremu i transport robe. Najznačajnija dokumenta koja se odnose na transport su:

- kamionski tovarni list (CMR);
- željeznički tovarni list (CIM);
- brodski tovarni list:
- avionski tovarni list (AWB).

Kamionski tovarni list (CMR) izdaje prevoznik i predstavlja dokument koji služi kao dokaz da je roba primljena na prevoz. U ovom dokumentu prevoznik se obavezuje da će robu prevesti i uredno je predati primaocu, kupcu. CMR se izdaje u tri istovjetna primjerka od kojih jedan ide pošiljaocu, drugi prati robu do primaoca, a treći zadržava prevoznik. Tovarni list sadrži informacije o: preduzeću pošiljaocu, preduzeću primaocu, detaljan opis robe, oznaci vozila, troškovima prevoza i carina, kao i spisak dokumenata koja prate tovarni list.

Uvjerenje o porijeklu robe nije obavezan dokument, ali je od posebnog značaja jer ukazuje na moguće preferencijalno poreklo robe i samim tim umanjuje troškove carinjenja robe. Od porijekla robe zavisi hoće li se na određenu robu primjenjivati preferencijalne carinske stope. Uvjerenje o preferencijalnom porijeklu izdaje carinski organ, dok uvjerenje o nepreferencijalnom porijeklu izdaje Privredna komora Crne Gore.

Veterinarski ili fitosanitarni sertifikat je obavezan dokument koji mora da prati robu biljnog ili životinjskog porijekla pri izvozu. Ovaj dokument obezbjeđuje da pošiljka ispunjava specifične zahtjeve.

Izvozne dozvole

Generalno, izvoz robe iz Crne Gore je slobodan. Ipak za izvoz pojedinih vrsta robe potrebno je podnijeti zahtjev za izdavanje dozvole zbog njihove specifične prirode. Ministarstvo kulture odlučuje o zahtjevima za izdavanje dozvola za izvoz proizvoda umjetničke, kulturološke i arheološke vrijednosti.

Export Procedures
Persons engaged in export must present proper documentation required for the purpose of the application of the rules regulating this customs procedure. The type of documentation that needs to be presented depends on the export business; however, any person or company that carries out export procedures should have the following papers:

- Export Declaration

Goods intended for export are listed in the export declaration. Export customs declaration is submitted to the customs house competent for monitoring the area where the exporter is established or resides or where goods are packed or loaded for export. The export declaration in writing shall be submitted in a prescribed form. It must be signed by an authorized person and must contain all information necessary for the application of the regulations regulating the customs procedure for which the goods are declared. All documents required for the purpose of implementation of the rules regulating the customs procedure for which the goods are declared shall be attached to the customs declaration.

- Export Invoice is a document on the basis of which delivered goods are paid, and it is issued by the seller of the goods. The invoice specifies the date of issue, quantity of goods, description and characteristics of goods, unit price presented in agreed currency and measurement units, total value of goods, the place of dispatch, the date of the invoice, the address of the buyer, signature of the seller etc.   Besides the mentioned elements the invoice can contain other elements as well, depending on the type of goods being exported.

-Transport Documentation regulates the dispatch and transport of goods. The most important documents regarding transport are the following:

- CMR;
- railway consignment note (CIM);
- bill of lading;
- air waybill (AWB).

CMR is issued by the shipper and is a document serving as evidence that the goods have been accepted for transport. With this document, the shipper undertakes to transfer the goods and deliver them to the recipient, the customer. CMR is issued in three identical copies, one copy for the sender, one copy accompanies the goods to a recipient, and the third copy is kept by the shipper. The waybill contains information about: the sender company, the recipient company, a detailed description of the goods, the markings of the vehicle, transport costs and customs duties, as well as a list of documents attached to the waybill. 

- Certificate of Origin is not a mandatory document, but it is of essential importance because it indicates possible preferential origin of goods and thus reduces the costs for customs clearance.  The origin of goods determines whether a preferential customs rate shall be applied for the particular goods. The certificate on preferential origin is issued by the customs authority, whereas the certificate on non-preferential origin is issued by the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro.

- Veterinary or Phytosanitary Certificate is a mandatory document that must accompany goods of plant or animal origin in export. This document shows that the package meets the specific requirements.

- Export license

Generally, the export of goods from Montenegro is free. However, the export of certain types of goods requires a license due to their specific nature. The Ministry of Culture decides on applications for issuance of licenses to export products of artistic, cultural and archaeological value.